5 Easy Upgrades for Your Website

5 Easy Upgrades for Your Website

You built a top-of-the-line website when you started your business – but when was the last time you REALLY looked at it??When you’re busy running your home service business, you’re probably not thinking about the behind-the-scenes players like your website, but that could be negatively affecting your business. Your website is often the first thing potential customers see, and if they’re not greeted with an attractive, easy to navigate website, they might look elsewhere for their home improvement projects…Experts recommend major website updates every 3-5 years, but you should be doing some basic housekeeping on your home page at least once a year. Here are 5 simple ways to upgrade your website:Do an InspectionBroken links, inaccurate information, and out of date plugins can slow down your site and negatively impact your SEO ranking. Do a quality control review to ensure your links, user information, and plugins are up to date and in perfect working order.  Spruce Up Your SiteIf you haven’t updated the look of your website in a while it’s probably time for a glow up! Refreshing your format, upgrading your style, and creating a recognizable, cohesive look for your brand can be the key to attracting your target audience and turning them into loyal customers.  Upgrade Your KeywordsKeywords are the foundation of smart SEO strategy, but you can’t just set them and forget them! Keywords need to be reviewed frequently to ensure they’re meeting the latest demands of the search engine algorithm. Use a tool like Google Keyword Planner to see if your keywords are still effectively reaching your target audience or if it’s time for an upgrade.  Build Up Your ContentNothing attracts a new audience like fresh, valuable content! There are lots of ways to add engaging content to an established website. Start a blog (or update your existing one regularly), add video tours of current or completed projects, or add some stunning new images to your project galleries.  Run the NumbersYour analytics are the key to your success map. Tracking your data lets you know which pages are top performers, and which areas are lagging behind. You’ll discover what types of content bring your target audience running, and what’s getting overlooked. This will help you hone your content strategy for maximum impact and engagement. No time for even the simplest upgrades? Don’t worry – Resonetrics has got you covered! Visit https://resonetrics.com/services/web-design-development to see how we can upgrade your website and make your marketing efforts more effective!  

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10 Tips for Better Reviews

10 Tips for Better Reviews

Great customer reviews are the best tool for growing your home service business and attracting new leads but getting customers to actually write reviews can be challenging! We’ve taken the guesswork out of getting great reviews by compiling 10 smart strategies for getting those word-of-mouth recommendations: Location, Location, LocationYou want your reviews to be the first thing potential customers see, so give them prime real estate on your homepage! You don’t have to post every review front and center, but you should definitely include your top 2-3. Create a dedicated review page on your website to house all those other accolades. Make it EasyCustomers are far more likely to leave a review if the process is easy and convenient. Link your social media profiles and your Yelp or GMB listing in an easy-to-spot location on your homepage. Follow Up with Satisfied CustomersWhen you know you’ve exceeded a customer’s expectations ask them to return the favor by leaving a review. Don’t wait too long to connect – customers are more likely to review recent purchases and services.  Ask QuestionsSome clients are hesitant to leave reviews because they simply don’t know where to start! A short review template that asks a few easy, open-ended question can be the perfect prompt to lead them in the right direction.  Say ThanksALWAYS take the time to thank a customer for a great review. Your appreciation will go a long way towards building loyal, lasting relationships with your best customers.  Reach Out to Unhappy CustomersEveryone gets a negative review once in a while. Don’t ignore it! Reach out to dissatisfied clients to see what went wrong and how you can fix it, then use this experience to make your business even better!  Pick a WinnerContests can be a great way to elicit reviews. Post a photo contest on your Facebook page asking users to submit photos of their finished projects and allow your followers to vote on the winner. Reward the winner with a discount, product, or gift card.  Reward ReviewersGo beyond a simple thank you and reward your reviewers with a discount code or a freebie on their next service call.  Boost CredibilityPotential clients want verified reviews. Asking customers to post their name and picture with their review helps boost your credibility and promote trust.  Go the Extra MileDoing great work is the first step to getting great reviews, but don’t stop with a job well done. Going the extra mile goes a long way with customers, so invite that curious kid to take a look at your tools. Bring the dog a bone, or just write a thank you note for trusting you with their home. That extra effort really sets you apart from your competition. Want more advice on acquiring a steady stream of quality leads? We can help! Visit https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve to learn more.  

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5 Signs It’s Time for a Website Update

5 Signs It’s Time for a Website Update

When’s the last time you updated your website? 

If you answered anytime within the last month, good job! You’re on the right track!

If it’s been a year or so, it’s probably time to make a few changes…

If it’s been over 5 years – sit down, we’ve got work to do! 

Experts generally agree that your website should undergo significant updates every 3-5 to keep it current with technology trends, but you should also be making regular content updates as well. 

Here are 5 signs that your website is ready for a refresh:


It’s Been More Than 3 Years Since Your Last Major Update
Technology moves FAST. Every day the market produces new features that make websites faster, better, and easier for users to navigate, and you want your website to be on top of the trends.
This doesn’t mean you have to jump on every bandwagon or leap at every new product that becomes available, but you should stay aware of trends and incorporate the ones that benefit your brand or audience as often as possible. 
You’ve Changed Your Branding 
Your website is the workhorse of your brand. It introduces potential clients to your business and teaches them what you’re all about. If it doesn’t reflect the current look or feel of your branding, you’re sending mixed messages. 
If you’ve changed your logo, taglines, color palette, etc. you need to update your website to reflect those changes and give your website visitors the most accurate representation of your brand. 
You’re Not Optimized for Mobile Use 
These days, most of your audience will be viewing your content on a mobile device- is your website keeping up? 
You want your site to offer a premium user experience for your customers whether they’re at their desk or on their phone. Your website should load instantly, look amazing, and be easy to navigate on any device. Plus, websites that are optimized for both desktop and mobile use rank higher on Google, and we all know that better SEO leads to improved web traffic. 
If Your Traffic is Decreasing
You keep a close eye on your analytics, right? If you notice website traffic decreasing over time, it’s probably time for an update. 
One of the most common culprits in a visitor slowdown is poor SEO. If your website isn’t grabbing one of the top spots in the search results, you’re unlikely to get the traffic you need to succeed. Updating your keyword strategy and adding new content can boost your ranking, improve your visibility, and increase your traffic. 
Your Copy Isn’t Converting
Your website introduces your customers to your brand, but it can’t stop there! You need compelling content that turns leads into customers. If that’s not happening, it’s probably time for more compelling content and copy. 
Make sure that your website copy shows your customers exactly what you can do for them. Copy should identify common pain points and show how your business solves them. Include statistics, quotes, testimonials, and other user generated content to boost your authority and prove how well you know your stuff! 

If these signs are pointing you in the direction of a website update, let’s talk! Resonetrics offers incredible web design and development packages to help you keep your site miles ahead of the competition! Visit https://resonetrics.com/services/web-design-development to learn more. 


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How Often Should You Update Your Website?

How Often Should You Update Your Website?

Your website is critically important to your overall success. It’s often the first thing potential customers see, and you obviously want to make a great first impression! 

It’s important to remember that your website should grow and evolve alongside your business. It’s not a “set it and forget it” tool. If you’re not regularly updating your site, there’s a very good chance you’re losing business. 

When I say updating, I don’t mean that you need to do a major overhaul on your website every week. There’s a big difference between an update and a complete redesign! 

Updates can be something as minor as adding a new blog post, but redesigns usually involve making significant changes to the look or messaging of your site. 

When you regularly update your site, you’re ensuring that it accurately represents your brand and your message. Adding new content on a regular basis also boosts your SEO and drives new traffic to your site. 

Here are 6 easy ways to update your website:


Add new content as often as possible. Strive to post new blogs, videos, infographics, or other high-quality content weekly. 
As your client’s needs shift, you’ll want to update your website to show how you’re prepared to meet them. This can include adding the details of new services you’re offering, or simple updates like adding new FAQs to provide additional information to customers. 
If you’ve changed your messaging or goals, or want to add clarity, it’s smart to start with a website copy update.
If your website no longer reflects the look or vibe of your brand, consider updating visual elements like fonts, headings, colors, and images. 
When you want to get ahead of your competition, start by checking out THEIR website. Note what’s great about it and consider how you can incorporate similar themes/content into your own site. 
When you branch out into new content formats like podcasts or videos, make sure they’re featured prominently on your website as well. 

Your goal should be to keep your website, fresh, relevant, and representative of your brand. If it’s been a while since your last update, it’s definitely time to take a close look at your site and see where you could use a refresh. 

If it’s time for an update, Resonetrics can help! Visit https://resonetrics.com/services/web-design-development to learn more. 


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5 Tips for Setting Goals You Can Keep!

5 Tips for Setting Goals You Can Keep!

2022 has arrived and Q1 is in full swing – how are you doing on those goals you set last month? 
Hopefully, everything is on track and you’re doing even better than expected, but if your goals have slipped further down your priority list than you’d like, it’s not too late to turn things around! 

Setting goals for your business is important, but we all know that real life can get in the way of the best laid plans. When you’re busy managing the day-to-day of your business and putting out those little fires that pop up at the most inopportune times, your lofty goals can easily fall by the wayside. 

Here are 5 tips that can help you get your 2022 plans back on track! 


Plan for Success Every Day
You know how it goes – you wake up ready to take on the day, but the minute you hit your office door you’re inundated with tasks and issues that take up your entire workday. A daily routine can set you up for success and help you make better use of your time. 
Try block scheduling for max productivity. Deal with high-priority tasks in the first hour of the day. Set aside an hour for email. Block off a couple of hours for meetings, and so on. Stick with your new schedule and you’ll find you can get more done with less distractions. 
Give Yourself Permission to Change
If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past couple of years, it’s that the world can change in an instant! Your business might not change on a global scale overnight, but you will likely face unforeseen challenges as well as unexpected opportunities throughout the year, and you might need to refresh your goals accordingly. 
That’s fine!! It’s good to have a game plan, but flexibility is key. Don’t hesitate to update, redefine, or even change your goals completely. 
Think S.M.A.R.T.
That being said, if you do decide to make changes to your original resolutions, make sure you set S.M.A.R.T. goals. They should be:
– Specific
– Measurable
– Achievable
– Relevant
– Timely
Prepare for the Future
You might be setting annual goals, but you should definitely be thinking beyond the calendar year. After all, the decisions you make today are laying the foundation for your future success! 
Consider the KPI’s of your business and think about how your goals for 2022 will transition to 2023, 2027, and beyond. 
Make Connections
People who have accountability partners are more successful at meeting their goals than people who go it alone. This is true in business as well. 
When you have the support of mentors and colleagues, you’re far more likely to stay on the path to your goals. They can help you navigate obstacles and give you the morale boost you need to keep going when things get challenging. They’re also a great resource for new ideas and strategies, so focus on building and maintaining your support network. 

Reaching your goals is far easier when you have a reliable team backing you up! If you’d like to learn more about how the Resonetrics team can help you achieve more in 2022, visit https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve


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3 Tricks for Setting Goals You’ll Actually Keep

3 Tricks for Setting Goals You’ll Actually Keep

We all start the new year with the best intentions…

“2022 is going to be the year that I finally (fill in the blank with an optimistic but unobtainable goal)!”

But a few weeks later, many of us have broken our resolutions or forgotten them all together. It’s not just personal goals that fall by the wayside – we frequently forget the objectives we set for our businesses before February rolls around. 

So, what’s the solution? 

No, it’s not, “stop setting goals.” The solution is to set your target and then create a plan that gets you there! 

See, we often get derailed on the path to our goals because we didn’t plan and prepare for the things we might encounter along the way, but if we take the time to set our intentions AND figure out what we need to do to get there, we’ll be far more likely to meet them. 

Here are 3 strategies to help you make (and keep!) your 2022 goals:


Set Quantifiable Goals
There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big and reaching for the stars, but it’s awfully hard to reach a goal that has no quantifiable measure of success.
Don’t toss out an arbitrary idea like, “I’m going to bring in more customers this year.” Set a goal with real numbers in mind. “I’m going to increase my profits by 20% this year.” Or “I’m going to land 30 new clients by the end of Q1.” 
These missions are easy to track and measure, and that helps you stay your course and accomplish what you set out to do. 
Chart Your Steps
You’ve got big ideas, but you have to know how you’re going to get there! Don’t just set a goal and hope for the best. State your intentions and formulate a step-by-step plan to make it happen. 
Consider obstacles or problems that might arise, and plan for how you’ll avoid them or solve them. Include smaller milestones along the way that tell you that you’re on track to meet your goals or warn you that you need to course correct. 
Mix Long-term and Short-term goals
Sure, you can set SOME year-end goals, but they shouldn’t ALL be long-term! Short-term goals are usually easier to achieve, and they bring a sense of accomplishment that keep you energized and encouraged along the path to bigger things. 
When you can congratulate yourself on every milestone you meet on the journey to your ultimate destination, you’re far more likely to keep moving forward and doing the work to achieve the goals you set for the new year. 

It’s not too late to plan for 2022! The Resonetrics team can help you evaluate your business, set your objectives, and plan for your best year yet! Let’s talk about what you want to accomplish this year. 

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7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Web Design

7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Web Design

Your website is like the front door of your business. It welcomes prospective customers and invites them in to take a look around and get to know your brand. 

It needs to look good, load quickly, and be easy for your customers to navigate and find exactly what they’re looking for. 

There are a few simple (and fairly inexpensive!) tricks for making your website look its best and bring more conversions. If you want to elevate your website, try this:


The last thing you want your customers to see when they visit your website is a jumbled, cluttered mess with too many elements fighting for attention. 
Avoid jarring colors, image overload, or giant blocks of text. Streamline your look and make your pages easier to navigate by using lists and bullet points so that your customers can find answers to their questions quickly and easily. 
Update Your Look
Your website is kind of like your brand ambassador. You want it to look good and represent the unique vibe of your brand. 
The easiest way to show to your customers what you’re all about is to choose a color palette that compliments the look and feel of your brand- if you’re bold, go primary. If your brand is calm and serene, think about light, airy colors. Keep that overall look in mind as you choose fonts, graphics, and images in the future. 
Improve your Images
If a picture can paint a thousand words, you’d better choose a good one! High-quality images elevate the look and feel of your website. 
90% of the information we take in comes from visual images, and the pictures you choose tell your audience a lot about your brand. They can help your audience connect to your message on a deeper, more meaningful level. High-quality images also show that you are professional, detail oriented, and trustworthy. 
Rethink Your CTA
If you’re not getting the conversions you want, your CTA might not be doing its job. 
Your CTA should include clear, active language that lets your customers know exactly what you want them to do. You need a dynamic, eye-catching CTA that compels them to take action. It should be easy to see, and easy to understand without being aggressive. The best place to post your CTA button is at the bottom of your homepage- it gives prospective clients a chance to get to know you before they make a decision about whether or not you’re the right brand for the job. 
Include Your Social Media
This is a no-brainer! Social media is a huge part of any successful marketing strategy, and the absolute best tool for connecting with your audience. If you haven’t included links to your social media profiles, what are you waiting for?!
They shouldn’t be the first thing your users see, but they should definitely be prominently placed at the end of your home page. 
Check Yourself
You want your website to be flawless, so you’ve got to do your own analysis. Does your page load in seconds? Are all your links accurate? Is your site easy to navigate? Is it optimized for mobile? 
These are things you should audit regularly to ensure your website is up to date and ready to welcome visitors. 
Update Your Keywords
Successful SEO keyword strategy requires you to update your keywords on a regular basis for prime visibility. 
Review your headings, titles, tags, website copy, and alt text for images, menus, and site maps regularly to ensure that they’re up to date, accurate, and helping you drive more traffic to your website. 
If you’d like to discover more tips and tricks for creating an awesome website, check out https://resonetrics.com/services/web-design-development. We can help you design and launch a top-notch website that’s as unique as your brand! 

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SEO Spring Cleaning

SEO Spring Cleaning

The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and it’s time to do some spring cleaning. 

Why not try a different approach this year? 

Instead of focusing your efforts on washing windows or organizing closets, start your spring cleaning on your homepage! 

Your website is the virtual front door of your business and the key to your SEO strategy. The better your website is, the higher your SEO ranking will be, so let’s look at some of the things you can do to clean up your site and boost your SEO: 


Simplify Your Site Menu
A cluttered, crowded menu can make it difficult for our visitors to find the information they’re looking for. Greet users with a simple, organized, easy to navigate menu.
Organize Your Content
Categorizing your content into easy to find pages for blogs, services, contact info, testimonials, etc. encourages your visitors to spend more time exploring your site. 
Create a Content Hierarchy
Your most important content should ALWAYS come first. Of course, you want your audience to scroll through the whole page, but that’s not guaranteed. Make sure your main message is the first thing they see. 
Delete Outdated Content
Content – even really great stuff – doesn’t last forever. If it’s outdated, underperforming, or no longer fits your message, it’s just wasting space. Clear it out and replace it with something more relevant. 
Remove Bad or Broken Links
Bad or broken links will drag your SEO down in the blink of an eye. It takes time to test every link, but it’s worth it! 
Optimize Your Images
Compress images as needed to increase loading speed – nothing will make a visitor bounce faster than a slow loading site. You should also update your alt text to incorporate keywords and boost your SEO. 
Audit Your Site Regularly
Go through your site page by page (preferably with a friend co-browsing to assess your user experience) Test the functionality of contact forms, sign-up pages, customer checkout, etc. Try viewing your site through your visitor’s eyes and update frequently to provide an optimal experience for every visitor. 

If you’d like some help with your website spring cleaning, we’ve got you covered! Just click https://resonetrics.com/contact and give us a shout! 


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2022 Web Design Trends to Watch

2022 Web Design Trends to Watch

Web design trends change a little bit every year, and 2022 is no exception! 

This year’s trends have one thing in common – MAJOR creativity. We’re seeing an emphasis on fun interactive content, revivals of retro looks, and bold, experimental designs that immediately grab the eye. 

Whether your brand’s aesthetic is casual and fun, or sophisticated and avant garde, you’re sure to find a look that stands out in these 2022 web design trends:


Have FUN!!
Who couldn’t use a little more fun after the last couple of years? Web designs are incorporating humor, animation, and interactive experiences to create web design that appeals to audiences and keeps them coming back for more. 
Let’s Go Retro
If you loved the 90’s, this trend is for you. We’ve seen a lot of 90’s, early aughts inspired design in trends in everything from fashion to home goods, so why not add some retro flair to your web design? (Maybe that annoying AOL connect tone?) Keep your design from going too far back by using modern color schemes and fonts. 
If the 90’s feel isn’t your jam, what about embracing a new version of the roaring 20’s by incorporating art deco elements into your web design? Whatever the era, retro designs are a fun nod to the past that can lead your website into the future. 
Be Bold
Lots of web designers are experimenting with bold, stark, almost-brutalist design. This is GREAT news for sophisticated, high-end brands. 
Bold typography, a classic black and white color scheme, and minimal imagery can give your website an eye-catching, elegant look that represents your cultivated, refined brand beautifully. 
Your audience is busy, and they don’t have a lot of time to hop around to multiple pages on a website. Why not give them everything they need in a single page? 
Designers are flocking to simple, single-page designs that provide all the information users need in an easy-to-scroll format. 
Create More Space
You don’t want your web design to overwhelm your visitors, and that’s exactly what happens if you try to cram too many images on a page. 
New trends are encouraging simpler designs, cleaner lines, and more white space – but that doesn’t mean you should forgo images all together. Try using collage images for a big impact without clutter. 
Be Like Bigfoot
Okay, that’s a stretch – you don’t need to roam the woods like a sasquatch – but you SHOULD make good use of your footers. 
More and more designers are using a “mega footer” technique that includes a much larger footer that contains a lot of information. You can include a CTA, page links, links to social media profiles and more – as long as you keep it organized! Columns work well for separating categories and maintaining a streamlined look. 

Are you planning to incorporate any of the new design trends in your website? We’d love to help! Visit https://resonetrics.com/services/web-design-development to learn more about how Resonetrics can help you build and launch a better website. 

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Digital Marketing Partners Increase Your Revenue

Digital Marketing Partners Increase Your Revenue

Every business is different, but many of them share a common problem – they struggle to create steady revenue. 
It’s not that the services and products they offer aren’t good enough to keep clients coming back for more. They’re simply spread too thin to dedicate the time and effort that’s necessary to build and ever-growing client base. 

If you’re like many small creative agencies, you spend the majority of your time and focus on your work. You’ve got clients counting on you, and your dedication to providing unique, high-quality work doesn’t leave you much time for anything else. 

And even though you’re pricing impeccable work, your business is falling behind. You can’t dedicate enough time to marketing and bringing in new leads, which means you can’t create the steady revenue you need to truly succeed. 

It’s a vicious cycle, but it’s not hopeless! 

You CAN position yourself so that clients come to you. Even better, you can pick and choose the ones that fit your business best rather than automatically taking on any potential client that walks through your door. 

All you need is a digital marketing partner! When you have an off-site partner dedicated to boosting your marketing efforts and focusing on your ideal clients, you’re free to continue doing what you do best while growing your business at the same time! 

Here are just a few things a digital marketing partner can do for you:


Increase your visibility 
Generate high-quality leads that fit your ideal client profile
Update your website for a better user experience and higher SEO
Redesign, implement, and manage a more effective marketing strategy. 

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg! When you have a digital marketing partner, your growth potential is unlimited.

If you’re ready to grow your client base and create steady revenue, Resonetrics can help! Visit https://resonetrics.com/contact and let’s talk. 

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