5 Tips for Setting Goals You Can Keep!

2022 has arrived and Q1 is in full swing – how are you doing on those goals you set last month?
Hopefully, everything is on track and you’re doing even better than expected, but if your goals have slipped further down your priority list than you’d like, it’s not too late to turn things around!

Setting goals for your business is important, but we all know that real life can get in the way of the best laid plans. When you’re busy managing the day-to-day of your business and putting out those little fires that pop up at the most inopportune times, your lofty goals can easily fall by the wayside.

Here are 5 tips that can help you get your 2022 plans back on track!

  1. Plan for Success Every Day
    You know how it goes – you wake up ready to take on the day, but the minute you hit your office door you’re inundated with tasks and issues that take up your entire workday. A daily routine can set you up for success and help you make better use of your time.
    Try block scheduling for max productivity. Deal with high-priority tasks in the first hour of the day. Set aside an hour for email. Block off a couple of hours for meetings, and so on. Stick with your new schedule and you’ll find you can get more done with less distractions.
  2. Give Yourself Permission to Change
    If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past couple of years, it’s that the world can change in an instant! Your business might not change on a global scale overnight, but you will likely face unforeseen challenges as well as unexpected opportunities throughout the year, and you might need to refresh your goals accordingly.
    That’s fine!! It’s good to have a game plan, but flexibility is key. Don’t hesitate to update, redefine, or even change your goals completely.
  3. Think S.M.A.R.T.
    That being said, if you do decide to make changes to your original resolutions, make sure you set S.M.A.R.T. goals. They should be:
    – Specific
    – Measurable
    – Achievable
    – Relevant
    – Timely
  4. Prepare for the Future
    You might be setting annual goals, but you should definitely be thinking beyond the calendar year. After all, the decisions you make today are laying the foundation for your future success!
    Consider the KPI’s of your business and think about how your goals for 2022 will transition to 2023, 2027, and beyond.
  5. Make Connections
    People who have accountability partners are more successful at meeting their goals than people who go it alone. This is true in business as well.
    When you have the support of mentors and colleagues, you’re far more likely to stay on the path to your goals. They can help you navigate obstacles and give you the morale boost you need to keep going when things get challenging. They’re also a great resource for new ideas and strategies, so focus on building and maintaining your support network.

Reaching your goals is far easier when you have a reliable team backing you up! If you’d like to learn more about how the Resonetrics team can help you achieve more in 2022, visit https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve