5 Ways to Avoid the Dreaded Slow Season

You’re deep in your busy season, but winter is coming…
Contractors and home service providers are no strangers to the dreaded slow season, but if you’re tired of relying on good weather to create consistent cash flow, we’ve got some smart solutions that can keep the revenue rolling in all year long!
You’ve got a few months before you’re out in the cold, so now is the time to:

1. Diversify Your Services
If your work tends to be more seasonal, it’s time to branch out! Consider adding maintenance and repair services that are needed throughout the year, or create special offers for each season, or focus on indoor services like renovations or efficiency upgrades that won’t be affected even if the weather outside is frightful!

2. Up Your Marketing Efforts
Now is the time to step up your marketing. You want to attract new customers before the workload slows to a trickle. Targeted online marketing, referral reward programs, and content marketing can help you attract new customers and book plenty of jobs to keep you working throughout the winter months.

3. Diversify Your Client Base
If you work primarily with homeowners, it might be time to explore some new avenues. Check out previously untapped marketing segments like commercial clients, government contracts, or property management companies to create new revenue streams.

4.Expand Your Network
Your professional network can be an incredible resource! Work with local real estate agents, property managers, or contractors in complementary areas to create a referral network where everyone benefits from a bigger pool of potential customers.

5.Nurture Your Customer Relationships
Loyal customers are the foundation of every successful business. Repeat customers create reliable revenue, so focus on maintaining communication with past clients to encourage repeat business and referrals.

Resonetrics specializes in marketing strategies that create consistent revenue for home service providers. Learn how we drive high-quality leads directly to your business at www.resonetrics.com