6 Tips for Creating Compelling Content

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok – there are countless ways to connect with your customers. And with so many digital channels vying for attention, creating engaging, compelling, valuable content for your customers can be an overwhelming task.

Customers have access to an endless stream of content, and businesses that want to stand out in the crowded online marketplace have to be very skilled at creating content that resonates with their audience and provides value.

The best content speaks directly to your ideal customer. You know who they are and where they live, but the key to clicks goes above and beyond basic demographics. Here are 6 things to keep in mind as you’re producing content for your social media channels.

  1. Their Struggle is RealYour customers have problems, and they need YOU to solve them. Understanding and addressing your customers’ pain points is essential to creating valuable content. Conduct surveys, engage with customers on social media, ask for feedback from your most loyal clients. This will help you understand the problems your customers are facing, and craft content that offers solutions, insights, or guidance.
  2. Put on Your Smarty PantsYou are a pro, and you have years of experience, and your customers want the benefit of all that extensive knowledge! Your blog posts, videos, tutorials, and guides should showcase your expertise while also offering helpful advice or tips that your customers can easily follow. When you give them the answers they’re seeking, you become a valuable resource, a trusted source of advice, and a respected authority in your field.
  3. Be RelevantYour audience wants timely, relevant content, not boring old tips and hacks they’ve heard a thousand times. Create your content around current events, industry trends, or new developments. If a hurricane is bearing down on the coast, that would be a great time to offer roof inspections or create a tip list for protecting your home from inclement weather.

    Timely content shows your audience that you are tuned in and paying attention to their needs.

  4. Switch it UpEven the best content gets boring if it never varies! If blogs are your go-to, switch it up with a video every now and then. Instead of a boring old newsletter, offer your customers a free guide or checklist. If you’re tired of answering questions in writing, start a podcast that gives listeners awesome weekly tips for homeowners, or create a webinar based around FAQs.
  5. Be ConsistentIf you want your audience to rely on you for great advice and compelling content, you have to deliver EVERY TIME. You need a content calendar that keeps you on track and posting regularly, whether that’s daily, weekly, or a few times a week. Your audience should always know when to expect new content from you, and you never want to let them down.
  6. Measure Twice (or more…)If you’re not using your analytics tools to judge the effectiveness of your content, how will you know what’s working? Use your dashboard to measure website traffic, engagement, clicks, conversion rates and more. This will help you identify your top performing content so you can bring your audience back for more!

Useful content provides real value to your customers, and that goes a loooong way towards building trust, loyalty, and relationships that last for years to come. The marketing experts at Resonetrics know how to create content that REALLY gets your audiences’ attention! Visit www.resonetrics.com to learn more.