7 Marketing Mistakes You DON’T Want to Make!

You spend a lot of time and money on your marketing campaigns, and there’s no room for mistakes!

Making the most of your marketing efforts if often a matter of knowing what to avoid. Here are 7 major marketing mistakes that can hurt your business:

  1. Not Setting Specific GoalsYour marketing goals vary through each stage of your customer’s buying journey, and you should state your intentions for each segment before building your campaign.

    Know whether you’re trying to connect with customers, build brand awareness, or land the conversion, and plan your marketing message accordingly.

  2. Targeting the Wrong AudienceWho are your products or services for? If you said everybody, you need to head back to the drawing board.

    Marketing to anyone and everyone is extremely ineffective. You need to create a target audience comprised of individuals that fit your ideal customer profile and personalize your marketing efforts to fit them.

  3. Underestimating User Generated Content (UGC)Word-of-mouth is the gold standard for advertising. Nothing sells your brand better than a satisfied customer.

    If you’re not including reviews, testimonials, or other UGC in your marketing content strategy, you could be missing out on promising leads.

  4. Ignoring Your DataHow do you know if your marketing efforts are succeeding? Simple- just look at your data.

    Your analytics are a clear indicator of your current campaign’s success. They let you know what you’re doing right, show you where you need to make improvements, and guide your future marketing strategies.

  5. Skipping SEO93% of online consumer experiences begin with a search engine. If your business isn’t commanding a top search result spot, you’re going to lose leads.

    Boost your SEO by consistently providing valuable content, improving your user experience, optimizing for mobile, and updating your keyword strategy.

  6. Avoiding Social MediaSocial media is not optional. It is, hands down, the MOST effective way to connect with your customers and build lasting relationships.

    If you’ve been dragging your heels on setting up (and maintaining!) social media profiles, or cultivating social media marketing strategies, you’re holding your business back.

  7. Prioritizing New Leads Over Existing CustomersYes, you need a steady stream of new leads to keep your business growing, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore your loyal customer base!

    These clients already know and love your business. Focus on repeat purchases, upselling, and rewarding your existing customers rather than putting all your efforts towards acquiring new leads.

Is it time to spruce up your marketing strategies? We can help! Visit https://resonetrics.com/services/social-media-marketing to learn more.