Why Local SEO Matters

Why Local SEO Matters


Three letters that carry a LOT of weight.

You’ve probably heard that SEO has the power to boost your visibility, improve your web traffic, and generate new leads. You might have even heard dire warnings that without a high SEO ranking, your business is doomed…

So, why does SEO -particularly local SEO- matter so much?

Well, you’re a local business, right? And you want potential customers to know who you are, and what you do? Local SEO makes it happen.

These days, when consumers are looking for a business, they turn to Google. Whether they need a doctor, lawyer, florist, or personal trainer- Google is the first stop. In fact, almost half of ALL Google searches consist of people looking for local businesses.

And obviously, they want to find one close by- preferably within 5 miles. Google knows this, so they provide their search results based on proximity, relevance, and prominence.

When a potential customer searches for your business, and your name is one of the first ones that pop up, you’re already halfway to making the sale.

Here’s why:

  • Customers search when they’re ready to buy. Very few people search “lawyer near me” when they don’t currently need a lawyer. If they’ve done the search, they’re ready to convert.
  • Local SEO delivers leads right to your website. All they have to do is click on your name, and they’re instantly transported to your virtual door where you can wow them with your amazing products or services.
  • You’re already ahead of your competition. You may not be the only game in town, but the higher you are on the SEO search results, the more likely you are to be chosen. If you can secure the #1 spot, you leave your competition in the dust.

If you’re not fully convinced that local SEO is a key part of your business success story, this ought to do it…
Local SEO saves you money.

Instead of pouring money into local advertising, social media marketing, and other marketing channels to get your business seen, you can let local SEO do it for FREE.

When you’ve got a high-ranking local search result, would-be customers will see your business and visit your website and it won’t cost you a penny.

If you’d like to learn more about local SEO and discover all the ways that it can boost your business, visit https://resonetrics.com/services/seo.