4 Ways to Give Back AND Grow Your Business!

4 Ways to Give Back AND Grow Your Business!

Your community is incredibly important to your ongoing success. You need the support of your neighbors to form a solid foundation of loyal customers as well as attract new leads, so it’s essential to be an active, engaged member of your community.

The best business leaders make giving back to their community a priority. Contributing to your hometown and making meaningful connections with your neighbors builds trust and generates a sense of goodwill that can be very beneficial for your home service business.

Here are some easy ways you can give back to your community AND build your business:

1. Sponsor Local Sports and Events
Never underestimate the effectiveness of having your business name on the back of a little league jersey! Sponsoring local sports teams, events, and charities shows that you are truly invested in making your community a better place to live and not just out to make a buck! It also gets your face and your brand out there for potential customers to see.

Giving your time and talents is one of the best ways to build goodwill in your community. Use your skills for good by offering free services for community projects or gathering your team to take part in local volunteer opportunities.

3.Support Local Charities
Partner with local charities by donating proceeds or offering free or heavily discounted services. Promote your charitable partnerships in your marketing and social media to enhance a positive brand image.

4.Support Sustainability
Help your community implement earth friendly practices such as recycling programs, or initiatives like tree planting or water conservation. Green practices benefit your town as well as attract earth-conscious potential customers.

When you’re ready to step up your contribution to your community, we can help you spread the word!

Learn how the digital marketing experts at Resonetrics can enhance your marketing message, increase your visibility, and jumpstart your growth at www.resonetrics.com

Your Marketing Problems Solved!

Your Marketing Problems Solved!

You’re an expert in your field- but can you build an effective marketing campaign?

Marketing can be a struggle for many business owners because they simply don’t have the time or experience to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. That’s why a digital marketing partner can be a huge boost for your business.

If you’re battling these common marketing problems, we can help:


  • Finding Potential Customers
    Online marketing is essential for sustainable growth, but many small businesses don’t have a strong online presence. A digital marketing partner can enhance your visibility by developing or updating your website, optimizing your website and content to improve your search engine results, and creating engaging, useful content that appeals to your target audience.
  • Earning Trust
    Trust is one of the most important factors when customers are choosing a service provider, so a lack of reviews and testimonials can really hinder your growth. A digital marketing partner can develop strategies and incentives that encourage customers to leave those all-important reviews on relevant platforms.
  • Consistent Lead Generation
    The dreaded slow season is the bane of many business owners’ existence. A digital marketing partner uses a proven blend of email marketing, paid advertising, and networking to generate consistent leads all year long.
  • Targeted Marketing
    Reaching your ideal clients takes skill and experience. If your marketing efforts aren’t reaching the right audience, it won’t matter how great your message is. Marketing partners take the guesswork out of targeted marketing to ensure that your message reaches the right people at the right time.
  • Brand Identity
    Your industry is crowded with competition. If your business doesn’t stand out in the crowd, you won’t be getting calls. An experienced marketing partner can help you develop a strong, memorable brand identity that sets you apart from your competitors.
  • Follow Up
    You don’t have time to answer every phone call or email that comes your way, and that can cost you customers. A marketing partner knows how to implement, manage, and maintain customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track leads, automate follow-up communication, and ensure a timely response.
    The resonance experts at Resonetrics specialize in proven marketing strategies for small business. . Visit www.resonetrics.com to learn more.
5 Ways to Avoid the Dreaded Slow Season

5 Ways to Avoid the Dreaded Slow Season

You’re deep in your busy season, but winter is coming…
Contractors and home service providers are no strangers to the dreaded slow season, but if you’re tired of relying on good weather to create consistent cash flow, we’ve got some smart solutions that can keep the revenue rolling in all year long!
You’ve got a few months before you’re out in the cold, so now is the time to:

1. Diversify Your Services
If your work tends to be more seasonal, it’s time to branch out! Consider adding maintenance and repair services that are needed throughout the year, or create special offers for each season, or focus on indoor services like renovations or efficiency upgrades that won’t be affected even if the weather outside is frightful!

2. Up Your Marketing Efforts
Now is the time to step up your marketing. You want to attract new customers before the workload slows to a trickle. Targeted online marketing, referral reward programs, and content marketing can help you attract new customers and book plenty of jobs to keep you working throughout the winter months.

3. Diversify Your Client Base
If you work primarily with homeowners, it might be time to explore some new avenues. Check out previously untapped marketing segments like commercial clients, government contracts, or property management companies to create new revenue streams.

4.Expand Your Network
Your professional network can be an incredible resource! Work with local real estate agents, property managers, or contractors in complementary areas to create a referral network where everyone benefits from a bigger pool of potential customers.

5.Nurture Your Customer Relationships
Loyal customers are the foundation of every successful business. Repeat customers create reliable revenue, so focus on maintaining communication with past clients to encourage repeat business and referrals.

Resonetrics specializes in marketing strategies that create consistent revenue for home service providers. Learn how we drive high-quality leads directly to your business at www.resonetrics.com

Marketing Strategies Make Your Business Better

Marketing Strategies Make Your Business Better

“I built my business on word-of-mouth advertising, and I’ve made it this far without a formal marketing strategy, so why start now??”

Lots of business owners feel that way. Referrals have been the tried-and-true standard for years, and sure, it works, but there are solid reasons to go beyond reviews and referrals. Strategic marketing initiatives can help you grow your business, reach a wider audience, and create consistent, stable revenue throughout the year.

When you have a fully developed marketing strategy you can:

  • Create Consistent Revenue
    Too many business owners struggle with a feast or famine business model. A strong marketing strategy can help you develop additional services or sales promotions that can keep your cash flow consistent even in slow periods.
  • Expand Your Audience
    When you rely solely on word-of-mouth advertising, you have a very limited pool of potential customers, and it’s rife with competition. A marketing strategy can help you attract new leads, increase your visibility, and expand your audience far beyond your current customer base.
  • Avoid Communication Delays
    When you’re running a company, overseeing your team, and leading projects, you don’t have a lot of time for phone calls and emails. That delay in communication can cost you customers! A marketing strategy often includes automated responses to emails and software options to help you manage customer communications and support, so nothing falls through the cracks!

If you’re ready to explore how online marketing initiatives can work for your business, Resonetrics can help! Please visit www.resonetrics.com to discover how easy it is to grow with a digital marketing partner!

3 Reasons I Chose My Contractor

3 Reasons I Chose My Contractor

I’ve worked with many contractors over the years as their digital marketing partner, but when I recently embarked on a home renovation project, I found myself on the other side of the fence.
As a customer, I had to meet with several highly recommended contractors, and each one brought different strengths to the table. But when it was all said and done, one contractor stood out from the competition, and that’s who I chose for the job. Here’s why:


  • He Was Reliable and Responsive from the Start
    He was able to set up a consultation within days of my initial call, he was on time for our meeting, and he could give me an exact start date for the project along with a clear timeline.


  • He Had Great Ideas
    I had an overall vision for this project, but it was admittedly hazy! He was able to take my initial ideas and flesh them out into a finished product that was better than anything I could have imagined. He also had smart suggestions for materials that cost a little more but were ultimately a much better choice. He explained his recommended upgrades in a way that didn’t feel like he was being pushy or trying to upsell just to make a few more bucks.


  • His Team was Outstanding
    Contractors are responsible for a lot of moving parts. My project required framers, roofers, and painters, and every single person brought an incredible level of professionalism and skill to the job. They were on time every day (even early!), they worked hard, their work was impeccable, and they cleaned up after themselves at the end of every day. Their attention to detail made it very clear that my chosen contractor set very high standards for his team, and that made me want to recommend him to everyone I know!When you’re devising a marketing message for potential customers, it’s really important to speak to their needs. Homeowners want reliable, trustworthy service providers who are just as invested in the project as they are. You want them to know that you truly value their business and that you will take care of their home as if it was your own.I chose my contractor because of his fast response time, clear communication, and amazing team, and I’ll reward his hard work by leaving a great review and recommending him to everyone I know.

    Most contractors rely on word-of-mouth advertising, and referrals are truly the secret to long term success. When you bring skill, reliability, and a team comprised of the best of the best to the table, you’ll have no trouble getting the referrals you need to keep your business growing and thriving for years to come!

    If you want to learn more about attracting high quality leads to your home service business, check out www.resonetrics.com