Is Bing Right for Your Business?

Bing has been getting a LOT of attention lately!

Microsoft’s search engine has been around for a while, but it has been a bit of a sleeper hit, hiding in the shadows of Google’s world domination. But Bing’s recent rollout of their AI chatbot has been getting lots of press, and it’s making many small business owners take a closer look at the advertising opportunities offered by this powerful search engine.

Here are 4 reasons you should think about adding Bing ads to your PPC marketing strategy:

  1. Bing Gives You More Bang for Your BuckOkay, it’s true that Bing doesn’t have the massive reach that Google commands, but that doesn’t mean it’s not effective! Bing gets plenty of traffic, and it’s drawing in more users every day.

    With a lower cost per click than Google ads, you might find that Bing is a much better fit for your advertising budget.

  2. Bing Is Better at TargetingBing has awesome customization options for targeted marketing. You can customize your ads for different time zones, languages, and keywords. And if your audience is made up of primarily mobile users, you’ll love Bing because it provides more efficient mobile ad targeting than Google Ads.
  3. Bing’s Got BackupGoogle Ads is a solo act. But Bing is bringing backup! Bing collaborates with every search engine in the Microsoft network, including Yahoo and AOL. So, when you add Bing to your PPC campaign you’re also gaining access to views and clicks from Yahoo and AOL users at no additional cost!
  4. Bing Has Less CompetitionSecuring one of the top three spots on Google search results is no easy task. You’ve got tons of competition, and if you don’t have expansive knowledge of SEO practices or cutting-edge keyword strategy, you might find your business falling behind.

    Bing has fewer businesses vying for views, and that can definitely work in your favor! Your ad can get plenty of exposure and you won’t have to spend a small fortune.

Thinking about adding Bing to your next ad campaign? We can help! Visit to discover how Resonetrics can help you leverage this powerful platform for your business!