Mapping Your Customer’s Journey

Getting potential clients from the awareness phase to the buying phase can be quite a journey!

The more effectively you can tailor your marketing message to meet your customer’s needs in each phase of the journey, the more likely you are to land the sale, AND bring back repeat customers.

Creating a customer journey map can be a useful tool to highlight customers’ needs, understand the ways they interact with your company, and predict their buying behavior.

Here are the 5 steps you need to know to create your own customer journey map:

  1. Set Clearly Defined GoalsBefore you begin mapping the buying journey, you need to have an end goal in mind. Name overall goals such as increasing revenue, customer engagement, or boosting your retention rate. Then break it down a little more – which segment of your audience are you targeting? What metrics will you use to measure your success?
  2. Create Ideal Customer ProfilesYou can’t create a personalized message for each phase of the journey if you don’t know who you’re targeting! Creating client profiles is a great way to get to know your audience. Include details about where they live, their age, how much money they make. Think about their pain points and the solutions your business can provide. Which services are they most likely to purchase? The more specific you can be, the better.
  3. Mark Your TouchpointsTouchpoints are the places where buyers interact with your brand. It starts with awareness, so identify how customers are discovering your brand. Maybe it’s social media or GMB or website visits. Don’t forget to include indirect touchpoints such as customer reviews on websites like Yelp or NextDoor.
  4. Map Your Current Customer JourneyWhat steps led your existing customers from brand awareness to closing the deal? Which sales channels brought them to your door? Which services are in demand, and how can you expand on those top performers. What’s bringing your repeat customers back for more?
  5. Map Your IDEAL Customer JourneyThis is where you define the actions you want customers to take – the actions that support the goals you outlined in step one. Think about how you want customers to react to new products or services, and then take note of how your ideal buying journey differs from your ACTUAL buying journey. This can give you great insight for the future!

A customer journey map gives you insight on your customers, helps you create the content they’ll love, and helps you maximize your marketing by giving data on your most effective touch points, sales channels, and marketing tactics.

If you’d like to learn more about customizing your marketing for each stage of your customers’ buying journey, Resonetrics is happy to help! Visit to see what we can do for your home service business!