Goal Setting Just Got Smarter!

What do you want to get from your marketing campaigns?

More leads? More visibility? More money?

If you answered, “all of the above,” you’re in good company! As a home service business owner, you want to make the most from every marketing dollar you spend. You don’t have extra time or money to waste, so you need marketing strategies that bring solid return on investment (ROI) every time.

The key to hitting your target every time is to set your marketing goals BEFORE you start devising a new campaign. When you have clearly defined goals and outcomes, it makes it much easier to design marketing strategies, tailor your campaigns for your audience, and set the metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that ensure you stay firmly on the path to your goals.

Before you plan your next marketing initiative, take the time to think about your endgame. Your goals should be SMART:

Specific– If you want to increase sales, set a dollar amount. If you want to generate new leads, pinpoint how many new customers you want to reach.

Measurable– This is where you set those metrics and KPIs. You can choose quantifiable metrics like conversions, web traffic, or social media engagement to help you judge the efficacy of your marketing campaign.

Attainable– Sure, you should always aim high, but let’s not get ridiculous! Your goals should be achievable based on your current budget, resources, and market conditions. If you don’t keep your goals realistic, you’re likely to be disappointed with your outcomes.

Relevant– Your goals should align with your company’s principles, mission, and overall business objectives. You need to set goals that propel your business’s growth and success.

Timely– You need to set a timeline for your achievements. Setting a series of long and short-term goals can be very satisfying because you can easily meet the short-term objectives that add up to long term success!

Once you’ve set your overall goals, start breaking them down into smaller, measurable steps. Hitting regular milestones makes it easier to determine if your marketing strategy is working. If you find that things aren’t going as well as you’d like, you can easily tweak your strategies in real time and get back on track, rather than waiting until the end and discovering that your brilliant marketing plan was actually a flop!

The marketing experts at Resonetrics know how to implement successful marketing strategies from start to finish! Visit www.resonetrics.com to discover how a digital marketing partner can help you stay firmly on the path to reach every goal you set!