5 Clients You DON’T Want!

5 Clients You DON’T Want!

You’ve got to have a steady stream of clients to keep your business growing and thriving, but that doesn’t mean you should take on EVERY client that walks through your door! Your time is valuable, and you don’t want to waste it on clients that are more trouble than they’re worth. Save your services for loyal, appreciative, easy-to-work with clients, and avoid these 5 duds at all costs! Time WastersThey booked a consultation, you designed a project plan, they’ve asked a million questions, and they STILL won’t pull the trigger. Enough wishy-washy. Time is money, so stop wasting yours.  Annoyingly NeedyTaking on a major home improvement project is a big decision, but you don’t have time to hold every client’s hand through every step of the process! Avoid clients that require countless phone calls, hourly updates, endless reassurance, or a daily deluge of questions. You can’t run your business if you’re too busy babysitting your clients.  Budget BustersYou know those clients with champagne taste on a beer budget? Steer clear whenever possible. If they want to haggle over every penny or argue over every unexpected overhead, you’re better off choosing clients that have the budget to support their vision.  ComplainersUgh, they’re the worst! These are the ones that are NEVER satisfied. They’ll nitpick and second-guess everything you do, no matter how great the finished product is. Plus, they’re never going to leave a great review because they’re never satisfied with anything!  Late PayersHow will you pay your bills if you can’t count on your clients to pay theirs? If they don’t pay on time, they’re not worth your time. Put a note on their account so you won’t find yourself chasing down payment the next time they come knocking! The marketing experts at Resonetrics specialize in bringing high-quality leads directly to your door! Check out https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve/ to learn more. 

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Am I Optimized??

Am I Optimized??

An optimized website can be a powerful tool for your home service business. It can drive more traffic to your website, expand your visibility, and boost the effectiveness of your paid ad campaigns. You’ve probably heard about optimization, but you might still have some questions, like “What does optimization mean?” or “How do I optimize my website??”When you’re ready to optimize, Resonetrics can help, but in the meantime, here are a few tips to get you started! What is Optimization?Optimization refers to actions you can take to improve users’ experience, boost website traffic, and up your conversion rate. How Do I Optimize My Website? There are several simple things you can do to improve your users’ experience and boost your business in the search engine results.  Know Your AudienceWho are they? What are they looking for? What are their priorities, pain points, and budget? The more you know, the better prepared you will be to meet their needs. Understand the Buying JourneyCustomers will visit your website to learn more about what you do before they’re ready to buy. Your job is to provide appropriate content for each stage of the buying journey. If you lead them from awareness to purchase, you’re far more likely to land that conversion.  Test Your ContentYou have a general idea of what will appeal to your customers, but testing helps you determine the winner every time. Try out different formats, layouts, navigation menus, and design elements to determine which one resonates with your clients.  Optimize for MobileYou want your content to look as good on a phone screen as it does on a desktop, so you may need to condense your menus or update your layout. Make sure your most important information is featured first and avoid annoying popups that compromise mobile users’ experience.  Optimize for SEOChoose the top targeted keywords for your industry and area. This will make it easier for potential customers to find you and boost you higher in the search engine results.  Make It Fast! Loading speed is a BIG deal! Customers aren’t willing to wait around for a sluggish site to load, and that might cost you business. Plus, load speed can affect your search engine rankings, so you’d better make it snappy! Need help optimizing your website? Resonetrics has got you covered! Visit https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve/ to see what we can do for your home service business! 

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You’re the Best in the Biz! Here’s How to Prove it.

You’re the Best in the Biz! Here’s How to Prove it.

You know you’re great at what you do, but that’s not enough to get customers in the door! The home service market is littered with competition, and a catchy slogan or memorable logo might not be enough to make your company stand out from the crowd. To attract new customers and crush your competition, you have to prove that you’re the best right from the start. Demonstrating your value isn’t always an easy task, so we’ve got 3 tips that help you show that you’ve got what it takes and then some! Show potential customers that you’re the right person for the job by: Knowing What Makes Your Company ValuableYour company is unique! Sure, other people might offer similar services, but nobody does it quite like you. Identify those features that make you better than all the rest. Is it your years of experience? Your reliable service? Your specialized products, services, or attention to detail? If you can show customers why they need YOU, you’ll get the call every time.  Sharing Your KnowledgeYes, you obviously want customers to PAY for your services, but it never hurts to reel them in with a little free advice! Give prospective customers something they can really use, like a seasonal tips list, a guide to your favorite products, Do’s and Don’ts of simple home repairs, or a handy how-to video. By sharing the wisdom you’ve gained from your years of experience, you’re showing potential customers that you’re a trustworthy expert who’s looking out for their best interests.  Sharing Excellent ResultsA picture paints a thousand words, so you’d better have some good ones! Show off your finished projects with high quality photographs or video tours and let the results speak for themselves. Back up your spectacular work with plenty of rave reviews from happy customers, and your phone will ring off the hook! If you want to learn more about demonstrating your company’s value, or if you’d like help spreading the word about your stellar services, give us a shout! Resonetrics specializes in helping small businesses get the attention and steady revenue they deserve. 

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Do I Need a Lead Magnet?

Do I Need a Lead Magnet?

When you’re focused on growing your business, a lead magnet can be an excellent tool for attracting new customers but be warned – not all lead magnets are created equal! We’ve researched the top attributes of effective lead magnets, and we’re breaking them down one by one so you can create a valuable asset that will bring new leads directly to your door! What is a Lead Magnet??Lead magnets are a marketing tool that attracts new customers by offering a valuable resource in exchange for their contact information. They give you their name and email address and you give them a helpful guide, article, or eBook.What Makes a Good Lead Magnet? Effective lead magnets are:Relevant to your customers They cover topics your customers are interested in and offer valuable tips or advice. Accurate, trustworthy, and not overly sales-y You are providing this asset as a gift to your customers, and you need to avoid the hard sell. A lead magnet is designed to promote trust, authority, and loyalty, not push sales. CompellingA boring, lackluster guide won’t get the response you’re hoping for. Your lead magnet should be interesting, engaging, and leave your customers wanting more!  ShareableYou worked hard to create an excellent freebie for your customers, and the ultimate goal is to have them share it with their friends and family to extend your reach even further!What are the Most Important Parts of a Lead Magnet? A great lead magnet does 4 things:Speaks to Your Customer’s ProblemYou know your customer’s pain points AND you know how to solve them! A good lead magnet addresses the problems your customers face and explains how your business is the solution they’ve been looking for!  Helps Your CustomersLead magnets should provide answers to their questions, new ideas, or helpful advice that they can easily apply to their lives.  Encourages Them to Take ActionYou want to keep the connection going, and that means you have to encourage your customers to make the next move! Include a strong CTA that tells them EXACTLY what you want them to do, like visit your website, book a consultation, or schedule a call.  Creates Lasting RelationshipsLead magnets aren’t just a marketing tool, they’re a relationship-building tool as well. When you gift your customers helpful, trustworthy information, you are winning their trust and loyalty at the same time! Wondering if you need a new lead magnet? Let’s talk! https://resonetrics.com/contact/

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The Best Shareable Content for Home Service Businesses

The Best Shareable Content for Home Service Businesses

You’ve probably heard a lot about content marketing, but you might not be sure how you can apply those strategies to your home service business. Never fear – Resonetrics is here! We’ve gathered 7 of the best shareable content ideas for home service providers: Give Customers a Sneak Peek! Up the hype before you roll out an awesome new service or life-changing new product. Give your loyal followers a sneak peek at your newest products or services to get them excited and eager to welcome your next big idea!  Share Your StoryWhat makes your business unique? Do you have an interesting origin story? Incredible team members? Are you making a major difference in your community? These are all things worth sharing! You can create social media or blog posts that highlight your history, your team, your awards and accomplishments, or your community service.  Make a ListEveryone loves listicles! They’re fast and easy to create and provide valuable tips and information for your followers. Make a tips list, a list of local resources for homeowners, or a list that shares links to other helpful blogs.  Answer the FAQsYou’ve been in this business long enough to know the questions new customers are likely to ask! Use that to create more shareable content. You could create a stand-alone article for your website that answers the top asks, or you could dive into each one for an informative blog series that ensures your customers get all the important information about your business.  Teach Them a SkillYour skills are in demand! Not everybody can do what you can do, but that doesn’t mean you can’t teach them a few simple tricks along the way! Video tutorials help you connect with your customers, earn their trust, and give them something of value.  ContestsIf you want your customers to share your content, you have to make it worth their while! A simple “like and share” contest with a great reward can boost your visibility and bring a slew of new leads!  EventsEvents take some effort, but the payoff is worth it! Consider participating in or even staging a local home showcase. You get your business directly in front of countless potential customers, and you’re cementing your reputation as a reliable home service provider in your area.The digital marketing experts at Resonetrics have mastered the art of shareable content! When your marketing strategies need a hand, Resonetrics is ready! Visit www.resonetrics.com to learn more!

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5 Clever Ways to Drive Customers to YOU!

5 Clever Ways to Drive Customers to YOU!

When you’re ready to scale your home service business, there’s one thing you need more than anything else – new customers! Sure, you’re still relying on your solid foundation of loyal customers, but it’s important to keep your sales pipeline packed with new leads as well so you can ensure a steady flow of income for years to come! Here are 5 clever ways to drive new customers directly to your business:Up Your SEO GameYou’ve heard all about targeted key words, but are you paying attention to your local keywords? Your industry probably has some standard keywords that you’ve added to your SEO strategy, but national and international keyword trends might look a little different than your local market. It’s important to research the top words and phrases clients in your area use when they’re looking for your services. Nailing your local keywords can drive more traffic to your website and increase your organic reach.  Collaborate with Your ColleaguesSo many home services go hand-in-hand, and you can use that to your advantage! Team up with a complementary service provider for maximum impact. If you’re a builder, you can collaborate with interior designers, flooring specialists, landscapers, and more. You could write guest posts for blogs, link each other’s websites, or work together to create a guide for homeowners.  Join Your Community Most towns and cities have their own website, and many of them include a registry of local service providers. Is your name on that list?? You can also boost your standing in your community by joining local business organizations like the Chamber of Commerce or your local Rotary Club.  Create Valuable ContentIf you want to attract new customers, give them something they can use! You could create a seasonal guide for each season that keeps your business highly relevant all year round. You could create a series of simple how-to videos that help your customers accomplish small tasks on their own so they’re more likely to call YOU for the big ones! Checklists and tips lists are also big hits with new homeowners. Don’t Overlook Local MediaEven the smallest towns have a local newspaper or even a community magazine, and these can be an awesome outlet to spread the word about your business. Press releases, featured articles, and paid ads are all easy and effective ways to put your business in front of your community.Ready to drive more business directly to your door? Resonetrics can help! Learn more about our digital marketing services at www.resonetrics.com  

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7 Smart Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out!

7 Smart Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out!

In the increasingly crowded field of home service providers, it can be challenging to make your business stand out from the crowd. You and your competition are vying for the same customers, and you’ve got to stand head and shoulders above the rest to command your share of the client pool! Here are 7 simple things that you can do to ensure that your business is leading the pack:Choose Your Niche“Home service provider” is a BIG umbrella! The secret to standing out is to focus primarily on what you do best and leave the rest for somebody else! Choose your top skills and make those the foundation of your business. You can always add services later, but when you’re serious about growth and visibility, it makes sense to promote your strongest skill set first.  Develop Your Brand IdentityA strong branding strategy helps you get customers’ attention and makes sure they remember you! A memorable name, eye-catching logo and a unique look and style that’s consistent throughout your website and marketing materials helps you to stay firmly on potential customers’ radar and ups your chances of being the one to get the call when they’re ready for your services.  Leave Your Marketing to the ProsMarketing is the lifeblood of your business, and if you’re not a marketing expert, it’s best to avoid DIY advertising campaigns. Sure, outsourcing your marketing is an investment, but if it boosts your visibility, brings in new leads, and creates reliable revenue, that’s a solid ROI! Build a Great WebsiteThis is another area that’s best left to the tech pros. Your website is the primary source of information for new customers, and that means it needs to be AMAZING! Greet new leads with a fast, attractive, user-friendly website that answers their questions, increases their trust, and gets them excited to work with you. Provide Quality Products and ServicesOkay, this is kind of a no-brainer. You can have the greatest website and the best marketing strategy in the world, but if you’re not backing it up with top-quality products or services, you won’t get very far.  Keep Your Customers HappyHappy customers are loyal customers, and if you want to keep them coming back for more, you’d better strive to exceed expectations on every job. Follow up with your customers, thank them for their business, and keep the communication flowing. Long-lasting customer relationships keep your business thriving for years to come.  Keep Up with Trends and PricingEvery market is a little bit different, and it’s important to stay abreast of trends and pricing in your area. Keep an eye on your competition. Do they have new tech or equipment that you should consider adding to your business? Is your pricing consistent with other home service providers in your community? You have to know what your competitors are doing so you can do it better! The Resonetrics team specializes in making small businesses stand out! Visit www.resonetrics.com to learn more! 

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The 3 Keys to Getting Better Customers

The 3 Keys to Getting Better Customers

Tired of potential customers that aren’t really a great fit for your home service business? Sick of bending over backwards for wishy-washy leads that can’t commit to a plan or bring the budget to back it up?We can help!! Here are 3 great customer engagement strategies to bring the RIGHT kind of leads directly to your door:Know Your CustomerWho are they, what are their problems, and how do you solve them? Mapping your customer journey can be incredibly helpful in understanding what customers are seeking and how they interact with your business. How are they discovering your business? How do they engage with your company? What services are they looking for and at what price point? What’s standing in the way of making the sale? The more you know about your clients’ buying journey, the better prepared you are to meet them every step of the way.  Get PersonalPersonalization is one of the most successful marketing tactics. When you know what products or services your customers need, it makes it much easier to create a customized marketing plan that’s tailored specifically for your audience. For example, if most of your customers visit your website to learn more about your pressure washing services, you could up their experience by offering a discounted bundle that includes pressure washing and gutter cleaning. You’re increasing your revenue AND your customers’ satisfaction by offering services that are customized to meet needs they hadn’t even considered!  Research Their BehaviorHow do potential customers engage with your website? What pages get the most views? Where is your web traffic coming from? Simple analytics tell you SO much about your customers’ habits. If the majority of your traffic comes from Facebook, that’s where you need to spend your advertising dollars. If one service page is the proven performer, how can you build on that to provide an even better customer experience? Look at patterns in your business. Obviously, you know when you’re busy and when things slow down, but do you know why? Identifying ebbs and flows, and the most popular products and services can give you great insight on how to create steady revenue streams rather than living in feast or famine mode.Stop waiting around for the phone to ring and start bringing customers to YOU! Resonetrics specializes in creating the processes that bring you the biggest selection of high quality leads so you can stop wasting your valuable time on inquiries that go nowhere. Visit https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve/ to see what we can do for your home service business!  

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5 Ways to Increase Your Brand Visibility

5 Ways to Increase Your Brand Visibility

Your home service company is more than just a business- it’s a unique brand with the experience and know -how to make any project a success! But all those great credentials won’t do you much good if potential customers don’t know you exist…Here are 5 easy ways to increase your brand visibility and get your business the attention it deserves:Social Media MarketingWe cannot stress this enough, when it comes to small business marketing, social media is your best friend! You can reach a huge audience without spending a ton of money, and it’s an excellent tool for turning new leads into loyal customers.  Influencer MarketingNo, we’re not talking celebrities here! You don’t need a famous name to generate new leads, just an influential member of your community. Check your client rosters and highlight those names that are standouts in your neighborhood. A great review, or even better, a video testimonial, helps cement your reputation as the best of the best.  Content MarketingPosting on social media here and there isn’t enough to increase your brand visibility. You need to give your followers a steady stream of valuable, useful, entertaining content. That can include informative blog posts, interesting newsletters, and helpful video tutorials. Your followers will recognize your expertise and spread the word about your business.  Paid AdsYou don’t have to spend a fortune on paid advertising, you just have to do your research. Choosing the best search engine, social media platforms, or other websites is the key to reaching a wider audience and getting the most out of every click.  Email MarketingEmail is the perfect way to reach out to new leads and strengthen your relationship with existing customers. You can share the latest news about your business, offer helpful tips or advice, and generate even more interest by offering special deals or discounts to your subscribers. The marketing gurus at Resonetrics specialize in getting your home service business seen. We’d love to show you how you can grow your business, find your ideal customers, and drive them directly to your door! Check out https://resonetrics.com/problems-we-solve/ to learn more! 

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7 Do’s and Don’ts for Growing Your Business

7 Do’s and Don’ts for Growing Your Business

When you’re ready for a bigger business, you need a solid growth plan backing you up. We’ve put together an easy list of do’s and don’ts to help you expand your business with ease and edge out the competition! DO:Your research – What do you need to scale your business? Have a growth plan in place BEFORE you launch your marketing campaign. Make sure you have the tools, time, and team you need to achieve the growth you want.  Set SMART goals – Whether it’s more customers or more revenue, have a measurable goal in mind. The best goals are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.  Talk to your customers – what services do they love? What would they like to see you offer? Having a clear picture of your customers’ needs and wants puts you on the right track to scale successfully.  Check out your competition – you need to know what your competition is doing so you can do it better! Check out their services, pricing, and marketing. Is there anything that you can incorporate into your business while putting your own spin on it?DON’T:Put the cart before the horse – it’s easy to get excited about growing your business, but if you rush to put all those great ideas in place before you’ve established your scaling strategy, you might just find yourself unable to sustain that growth.  Hire the wrong people – labor is tough to find right now, but that doesn’t mean you should just snatch up anyone who happens to be available! Your reputation is on the line, and it’s better to take your time building an expert crew that always meets your high expectations.  Do it all – running your business is your priority, and you don’t have to DIY everything! If scaling has got you stumped, and marketing isn’t your area of expertise, get help! A digital marketing partner can be the key to successful, sustainable growth!  Let’s grow! The marketing experts at Resonetrics are ready to help you take your business to the top. Check out https://resonetrics.com to learn more! 

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