Resonetrics Digital Marketing Blog

5 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

5 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

Marketing trends change from year to year, but one thing stays the same - it’s all about high-quality content. When you consistently provide valuable information, helpful tips, and smart solutions, you build trust with your followers, and they come to rely on you for excellent advice. In 2022, great content is going to be more important than ever. You have a lot of competition on social media as more and more business have moved online post-pandemic. Engaging, entertaining content is your...

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Add SEO to Your 2022 Goals

Add SEO to Your 2022 Goals

It’s a brand-new year, and I know you’ve got lots of great plans for how you’ll make 2022 the best year yet. As you’re finalizing your goals for the new year, I’d like to offer a suggestion for one thing you should add to your list: Work with an SEO expert. More and more businesses are catching on to the fact that SEO really does matter. And as that awareness grows, your ability to play the SEO game might be the main thing that sets you apart from your competition. The ever-changing Google...

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Make Room for EVERYONE to Grow

Make Room for EVERYONE to Grow

You want to grow your business, but you also want to provide the support your clients need to grow THEIR businesses as well. However, last time I checked, there were only 24 hours in a day, and that’s just not enough time to do it all. But that doesn’t mean you have to choose between scaling your business or supporting your clients. You can do both- as long as you have a digital marketing partner! Here’s how a digital marketing partner helps your business grow: We take on and improve your...

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Building a Better Marketing Campaign for Your Home Services Business

Building a Better Marketing Campaign for Your Home Services Business

You’ve got an impressive set of skills! You’ve put your know-how and talents to work creating a thriving home services business, and you should be incredibly proud of yourself. But when you’re working so hard to build your business, you don’t have a lot of time for learning the ins and outs of marketing - and that can leave you feeling lost when you need affordable ways to build your brand. No worries - you’ve got one of the most effective marketing tools right at your fingertips! Email...

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Picking The Right Social Media Platform

Picking The Right Social Media Platform

Social media marketing is everywhere. Over 90% of US businesses use social media as a part of their marketing strategy, which means you’ll find profiles for massive global brands alongside your local plumber on at least one social media platform. You know that you need to have an active social media presence, the question is, do you need to be active on EVERY platform? Short answer - no. Here’s the thing, each of the major platforms has its strengths. Facebook is great for building a loyal...

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Why Local SEO Matters

Why Local SEO Matters

SEO… Three letters that carry a LOT of weight. You’ve probably heard that SEO has the power to boost your visibility, improve your web traffic, and generate new leads. You might have even heard dire warnings that without a high SEO ranking, your business is doomed… So, why does SEO -particularly local SEO- matter so much? Well, you’re a local business, right? And you want potential customers to know who you are, and what you do? Local SEO makes it happen. These days, when consumers are looking...

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