Boost Your Business with These Sustainable Building Practices!

Boost Your Business with These Sustainable Building Practices!

Sustainable building practices are more in demand than ever before, and conservation minded homeowners are likely to choose the contractor that offers the most earth-friendly services. Shifting to greener building practices can be a huge boost for your business, but with a plethora of products on the market, where should you start?

The U.S. Green Building council has some great ideas to help you green up your construction business!

  • Electric Construction Equipment
    Much like major automakers, construction equipment manufacturers are making the shift towards electric equipment. It’s a slow process, and you’re not likely to see big equipment going electric in the near future, but battery-powered tools are becoming more and more common on job sites. Switching gas-guzzling hand tools for their battery powered counterparts eliminates gas fumes, reduces noise, and creates a healthier working environment for your team.
  • Low-Carbon Concrete
    Many people don’t realize that cement is a HUGE source of pollution. In fact, the EPA ranks it as the 3rd largest contributor to industrial pollution! Yikes!! Concrete materials that reduce the use of cement in their manufacturing process can be helpful in reducing cement emissions.
  • Low-Carbon Wood
    Wood is natural and environmentally friendly, but the timber industry can take a major toll on Mother Earth. Sourcing lumber from companies that specialize in sustainability by planting trees to replace those that are cut down can significantly decrease the impacts of deforestation.
  • Organic or Recycled Materials
    The construction industry is finding amazing ways to use organic materials to create building products, and many are using recycled materials in their production process to cut down on non-renewable raw materials.Sustainable building practices aren’t just good for the earth, they’re good for your bottom line as well! Creating a marketing message around sustainability and your green practices can attract a whole trove of climate conscious homeowners and set you apart from your competition.

Want to create a marketing campaign for your construction company that stands out from the rest? Visit to learn more!

Your Video Marketing Strategy Starts Here

Your Video Marketing Strategy Starts Here

Video can be one of the most effective tools in your marketing toolbox. Home service providers have lots of skills to show off, and video can be the perfect format for sharing information, showcasing your projects, and giving customers an inside peek at your services.
If you’re thinking about adding video to your marketing strategy, here’s where you should start:

  • Tutorials
    You have a wealth of information and experience, and while you can’t give it all away for free, customers will appreciate some easy how-to guides and tutorials. A tutorial that walks customers through simple tasks like unclogging a drain, installing a new light fixture, or prepping a room for paint not only helps customers, it also builds trust and loyalty.
  • Testimonials
    Word of mouth advertising will always be the most effective form of marketing for home service providers, and a video testimonial ups your street cred far more than a basic Yelp or Google My Business review.
  • Demonstrations
    Some home services are really satisfying to watch! Think about your most visually impressive services that can be turned into a very cool video demonstration. Maybe a demo reel, or a time-lapse framing video, or even a pressure washing before and after!
  • Behind the Scenes
    A behind the scenes video can showcase your team’s skills as well as their winning personalities! Plus, it’s easy to produce a candid video- no scripts or planning required.
    Before you grab your camera, there are a few important things to think about. It’s helpful to outline the key points you want to make and how you want to present them. If you’re not super comfortable on camera, you might want to create a script or bullet points rather than just winging it. And don’t forget to optimize your videos for SEO and engagement by including keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags.

Want to take your marketing further? Resonetrics can help! Visit to discover how our team of digital marketing experts boosts your reach and brings new leads running!

3 Key Features of a Great Website

3 Key Features of a Great Website

Your website is kind of like your digital home. That’s where you introduce yourself to potential customers and invite them in to learn more about your business, and you want it to be just as welcoming as your actual home!

Your landing page is your first chance to make a lasting impression, so it’s imperative to create a stylish, engaging, user-friendly experience right from the start. Your website will reflect the look and feel of your business, and there are countless options for customization, but great websites all have 3 things in common:

  1. Intuitive Navigation
    You won’t impress clients with an outdated home page or a hodgepodge of hard-to-find information. Your website should be clearly and logically organized with easy to identify pages and topics.
    Visitors should be able to find the information they’re looking for in just a few clicks, and they should be able to navigate different areas of your sight easily from any page.
  2. Speed
    If your website doesn’t load in seconds on any device, you run the risk of losing customers. A lightning fast, responsive website is an essential part of customer satisfaction, which means optimizing images and content for mobile use, ensuring that your website performs consistently across different web browsers, and leveraging browser caching to reduce load times.
  3. Quality Content
    This is your opportunity to educate your clients about your business, and you want to wow them! That means high-quality images, well-designed project galleries, and visually appealing text layouts.
    And don’t forget clearly defined calls to action! You need to tell your customers EXACTLY what you want them to do, whether it’s booking a call, scheduling a consultation, or requesting an estimate. Make your CTAs stand out with buttons that link to landing pages in eye-catching colors and place them throughout your website to easily direct customers through the buying journey.

A standout website can put you in the lead in the race for new customers! If you’re ready to step up your web design, the tech gurus at Resonetrics can show you how! Visit to learn more.

Building the Perfect Portfolio

Building the Perfect Portfolio

Seeing is believing!
The best way to show off your spectacular skills to prospective clients is with an eye-catching project portfolio featured prominently on your website.
Here are some helpful tips to help you build a stunning portfolio:

  • Choose Your Best Projects
    Everything you do is awesome, but you want to bring the best of the best to your portfolio. Choose projects that are unique and show off your incredible array of skills.
  • Tell a Story
    Obviously, you’ll need great pictures, but a backstory can add more interest. Include project descriptions, materials, challenges you may have faced, or how your work solved problems for your clients.
  • Make It Pretty
    You need a visually appealing layout that’s easy for clients to navigate. If they find a cluttered jumble of pictures with no context when they land on your website, they might keep searching!
  • Include Testimonials
    A blurb from the homeowners expressing how happy they are with your work goes a long way towards convincing prospective customers that you’re the right person for the job!
  • Update Regularly
    Your portfolio should grow along with your business! Don’t be afraid to include some work in progress features to give customers a feel for your process, and don’t hesitate to remove outdated projects from your portfolio and replace them with new ones.

Resonetrics wants to help you put your best foot forward! Visit to discover how a digital marketing partner can help your home service business shine!

Here are This Year’s Most In-Demand Home Services!

Here are This Year’s Most In-Demand Home Services!

Scaling your home service business often means adding new services or products to your lineup.

You don’t want to waste time and money trying to guess what homeowners might want, so we’ve done the legwork for you! Here are the most requested home services in 2024:

  • Cleaning
    Homeowners are facing a serious time crunch in the post-pandemic world. They’re back in the office, the kids are back at school, and there are a million demands on their time. More and more homeowners are relying on regular housekeeping services to keep their homes in tip-top shape.
    Specialty cleaning services such as carpet cleaning, power washing, and move in/move out cleanings for landlords can be a great way to test out the professional cleaning market.
  • Landscaping
    Busy homeowners don’t want to waste their precious weekend hours toiling away in the yard. Plus, the popularity of outdoor living spaces has made a beautiful yard a top priority for many customers.
    Consider adding landscape design, hardscape design and installation, or lawncare to your roster.
  • Pest Control
    Keeping the creepy crawlies out can be a major hassle! Adding a pest control expert to your team can be a smart way to help your clients protect their homes from unwanted guests.
  • Junk Removal
    Stuff has a way of piling up! Offering homeowners a hand when they’re ready to downsize, declutter, or clear the way for new finds can be a great asset to your home service business.
  • Home Security
    There are so many options to help homeowners protect their property. Adding home security services could be a huge boost to your business- especially if you specialize in the latest smart technology!

When you’re ready to expand your services, listen to your customers! Their feedback about the problems they’re facing or the tasks they don’t want to tackle themselves will help you implement services that are guaranteed to succeed!

The digital marketing experts at Resonetrics will be here to help you spread the word, expand your audience, and scale your home service business! Learn how at