Resonetrics Digital Marketing Blog

5 Easy Upgrades for Your Website

5 Easy Upgrades for Your Website

You built a top-of-the-line website when you started your business - but when was the last time you REALLY looked at it?? When you’re busy running your home service business, you’re probably not thinking about the behind-the-scenes players like your website, but that could be negatively affecting your business. Your website is often the first thing potential customers see, and if they’re not greeted with an attractive, easy to navigate website, they might look elsewhere for their home...

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10 Tips for Better Reviews

10 Tips for Better Reviews

Great customer reviews are the best tool for growing your home service business and attracting new leads but getting customers to actually write reviews can be challenging! We’ve taken the guesswork out of getting great reviews by compiling 10 smart strategies for getting those word-of-mouth recommendations: Location, Location, LocationYou want your reviews to be the first thing potential customers see, so give them prime real estate on your homepage! You don’t have to post every review front...

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5 Signs It’s Time for a Website Update

5 Signs It’s Time for a Website Update

When’s the last time you updated your website? If you answered anytime within the last month, good job! You’re on the right track! If it’s been a year or so, it’s probably time to make a few changes… If it’s been over 5 years - sit down, we’ve got work to do! Experts generally agree that your website should undergo significant updates every 3-5 to keep it current with technology trends, but you should also be making regular content updates as well. Here are 5 signs that your website is ready...

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How Often Should You Update Your Website?

How Often Should You Update Your Website?

Your website is critically important to your overall success. It’s often the first thing potential customers see, and you obviously want to make a great first impression! It’s important to remember that your website should grow and evolve alongside your business. It’s not a “set it and forget it” tool. If you’re not regularly updating your site, there’s a very good chance you’re losing business. When I say updating, I don’t mean that you need to do a major overhaul on your website every week....

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5 Tips for Setting Goals You Can Keep!

5 Tips for Setting Goals You Can Keep!

2022 has arrived and Q1 is in full swing - how are you doing on those goals you set last month? Hopefully, everything is on track and you’re doing even better than expected, but if your goals have slipped further down your priority list than you’d like, it’s not too late to turn things around! Setting goals for your business is important, but we all know that real life can get in the way of the best laid plans. When you’re busy managing the day-to-day of your business and putting out those...

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3 Tricks for Setting Goals You’ll Actually Keep

3 Tricks for Setting Goals You’ll Actually Keep

We all start the new year with the best intentions… “2022 is going to be the year that I finally (fill in the blank with an optimistic but unobtainable goal)!” But a few weeks later, many of us have broken our resolutions or forgotten them all together. It’s not just personal goals that fall by the wayside - we frequently forget the objectives we set for our businesses before February rolls around. So, what’s the solution? No, it’s not, “stop setting goals.” The solution is to set your target...

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7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Web Design

7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Web Design

Your website is like the front door of your business. It welcomes prospective customers and invites them in to take a look around and get to know your brand. It needs to look good, load quickly, and be easy for your customers to navigate and find exactly what they’re looking for. There are a few simple (and fairly inexpensive!) tricks for making your website look its best and bring more conversions. If you want to elevate your website, try this: Declutter The last thing you want your customers...

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SEO Spring Cleaning

SEO Spring Cleaning

The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and it’s time to do some spring cleaning. Why not try a different approach this year? Instead of focusing your efforts on washing windows or organizing closets, start your spring cleaning on your homepage! Your website is the virtual front door of your business and the key to your SEO strategy. The better your website is, the higher your SEO ranking will be, so let’s look at some of the things you can do to clean up your site and boost your...

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2022 Web Design Trends to Watch

2022 Web Design Trends to Watch

Web design trends change a little bit every year, and 2022 is no exception! This year’s trends have one thing in common - MAJOR creativity. We’re seeing an emphasis on fun interactive content, revivals of retro looks, and bold, experimental designs that immediately grab the eye. Whether your brand’s aesthetic is casual and fun, or sophisticated and avant garde, you’re sure to find a look that stands out in these 2022 web design trends: Have FUN!! Who couldn’t use a little more fun after the...

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Digital Marketing Partners Increase Your Revenue

Digital Marketing Partners Increase Your Revenue

Every business is different, but many of them share a common problem - they struggle to create steady revenue. It’s not that the services and products they offer aren’t good enough to keep clients coming back for more. They’re simply spread too thin to dedicate the time and effort that’s necessary to build and ever-growing client base. If you’re like many small creative agencies, you spend the majority of your time and focus on your work. You’ve got clients counting on you, and your dedication...

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